Naming Conventions: We need to follow java naming conventions while writing java programs . In java we are recommended to follow the naming conventions while defining packages,classes,methods ,variables Interfaces and constants for better maintenance and readability of code.
ii)For Classes and Interfaces: While defining classes and Interfaces we need to make sure the first letter starts with a Capital letter of the word or phrase of the name .The name may consists of combination of words in that case first letter of each word starts with a capital letter.
- Class names should be nouns, in mixed case with the first letter of each internal word capitalized. Interfaces name should also be capitalized just like class names.
- Use whole words and must avoid acronyms and abbreviations.
Example : interface Vehicle {}
interface Sport{}
interface Bike{}
class Jeep implements Vehicle{ },
class Football implements Sport{}
class MoutainBike{}
iii)For Methods : In java all methods should be verbs, all method names starts with a lower case letter (first word first letter) and if the method name consists of more than one word then from the second word onward each word starts with a capital letter (Camel case)
void sumOfTwoNums(int num1,int num2);
void speed(int increment);
void calculateInterest(int interestRate);
iv)Variables : In java variable names should be short and meaningful.Variable names should not start with underscore ('_') or dollar sign '$' chars. Single char names should be avoided except for temporary variables .All the variable names should be camelCase letters.
int num=10;
int rate=2;
int speed=100;
v)Constants: In java all constants names should be all uppercase with words separated by underscores (“_”). There are various constants used in predefined classes like Float, Long, String etc.
int MIN_LENGTH=10;
int MAX_SPEED=120;
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